September 7, 2023
John has a medical appointment this morning. Reports will resume tomorrow morning. We appreciate your patience.
Forecast Mostly clear skies through Monday. Mostly clear with occasional high clouds Monday night through Thursday.
Two Week Outlook: September 12 through September 18: This model indicates high pressure will be parked over the desert southwest with a weak trough of low pressure along the Pacific coast. This configuration will result in near average temperatures for the valley with dry conditions continuing.
August: This model indicates temperatures over the next 30 days will be near to slightly above seasonal averages. Dry weather will continue, although we will have to keep a watchful eye to the south for possible tropical activity.
August, September, October: This model shows above average temperatures for much of the west, particularly the Desert Southwest. It also points to below average precipitation over the Desert Southwest, possibly meaning a less active monsoon season. The chance of precipitation for central California appears to be near average.
Wind Discussion: Winds will be at or less than 15 mph through Sunday during the afternoons and evenings and generally at or less than 10 mph during the nights and mornings with periods of near calm conditions.
Rain Discussion: Expect dry conditions.
Next report: September 8
At John Hibler Weather Forecasting, it is our goal to provide the most accurate forecasts available. Weather forecasting, unlike any other business, invites errors. Weather, by nature, is chaotic. It is our goal to be as accurate as humanly possible.