With such an amazingly stable weather pattern out there, we will be out of the office this afternoon. If you have any questions, please give us a call.
January 8, 2022
All locations are reporting one of two weather conditions out there this morning. Widespread ground fog is prevalent from roughly Visalia north while a low overcast covers the south valley. Clearing this afternoon will be at a premium as the top of the cloud deck is more than 3,000 feet high. Upper level high pressure is located just off the southern California coast with a ridge extending northward into western Canada. Soundings indicate a warm air inversion is prevalent due to the descending air mass under that dome of high pressure.
On Sunday, the high will center over southern Nevada while a cut off low forms off the southern California coast. This feature will move a bit further southward, centering over northern Baja Tuesday through Thursday. Some models show a limited amount of moisture moving around the eastern side of the low and into Arizona and possibly even southern California. However, this little feature will be too far to the south to have much of an impact on the valley. In fact, high pressure over the west will continue unabated for the next week to possibly ten days.
The main challenge will be extensive fog and low clouds during the night and morning hours with partial afternoon clearing. Temperatures will be governed by the amount of clearing at any given location. Areas that observe hazy sunshine in the afternoons will climb into the upper 50s to the lower 60s while areas under the gloomy overcast all day will climb into the upper 40s to the lower 50s.
Forecast: Low overcast and/or fog will continue through Wednesday with areas of afternoon clearing. low overcast and fog will continue Wednesday afternoon through Saturday with some clearing in the afternoons..
Short Term:
High temperatures in areas with hazy afternoon sunshine will warm into the upper 50s to the lower 60s through Tuesday. Overnight lows will cool into the upper 30s to the mid 40s.
Seven Forecast:
AM fog/PM sun 42/58 |
AM fog/PM sun 43/58 |
AM fog/PM sun 41/61 |
AM fog/PM sun 40/62 |
AM fog/PM sun 41/58 |
Two Week Outlook: January 11 through January 17: This model has reverted to a dry forecast with above average temperatures.
January: This model doesn’t really indicate a trend that would favor above or below precipitation. The active storm track in the Pacific Northwest will continue. Both temperatures and precipitation should be close to seasonal averages.
January, February, March: The trend of below average temperatures of late continues on the 90 day forecast which indicates temperatures will be slightly below average. Below average precipitation is anticipated over the Desert Southwest and the southern half of California with near average precipitation from Fresno County north.
With such an amazingly stable weather pattern out there, we will be out of the office this afternoon. If you have any questions, please give us a call.
Wind Discussion: Winds will be generally at or less than 6 MPH with periods of near calm conditions through Wednesday.
Rain: Expect dry weather for the next 7 to possibly 10 days.
Frost: All locations will be above freezing tonight and each night for the next week and quite possibly longer.
Actual Humidity Range Yesterday: Delano, 100%/88% Porterville, 100%/90%. Dew points: Low to mid 40s. Kern: Low to mid 40s.
Percentage of Sunshine Today/Tomorrow: Visalia: Today: 60%, tomorrow 50%. Bakersfield: Today: 80%/. Tomorrow, 70%.
ET Rates Over the Past Seven Days: Stratford .33, Parlier .32, Arvin .39, Orange Cove .NA, Porterville .34, Delano .33. Courtesy University of California *=estimate, NA=not available.
Seven Day Soil Temperatures: Stratford, 52, Parlier 49, Arvin, .51, Orange Cove 51, Porterville 47, Delano 43. *=data missing.
Average Temperatures: 54/36. Record Temperatures: 72/22
Heating Degree Days This Season. 1088 -74 Varies widely from location to location. courtesy of the NWS
courtesy of the NWS
Precipitation: Seasonal total for Fresno, 5.21 or +1.48. Monthly .00 -.51
Precipitation for Bakersfield, Season, 3.55 or +1.38. Month to date .00 -.28
Average Temperature this month: 45.6, -0.4 Taken NWS Hanford.
Water year season is from October 1st through September 30.
Chilling Hours November 1st through February 28: Orange Cove, 444, Parlier, 522, Arvin, 467, Belridge, 524, Shafter, 487, Stratford, 561, Delano, 529, Porterville, 546 courtesy UC Davis
Sunrise. 7:12, Sunset, 5:00, hours of daylight, 9:48
Yesterday’s Weather:
Id Name Elev Temp Temp Pcpn Depth
MCE : Merced AP 153 : 59 / 43 / 0.03 /
MAE : Madera AP 253 : 59 / 45 / 0.06 /
FAT : Fresno AP 333 : 58 / 47 / T /
HJO : Hanford AP 242 : 56 / 49 / 0.00 /
NLC : Lemoore NAS 234 : 59 / 44 / T /
BFL : Bakersfield AP 496 : 51 / 40 / 0.00 /
VIS : Visalia AP 292 : 55 / 49 / T /
PTV : Porterville AP 442 : 52 / 46 / 0.00 /
STOCKTON T 8.21 162 2.09 41 5.08 13.45
MODESTO T 8.15 185 1.54 35 4.40 12.27
MERCED 0.00 5.79 142 2.28 56 4.09 11.80
MADERA T 9999274698 0.77 21 3.64 10.79
FRESNO T 5.21 140 1.42 38 3.73 10.99
HANFORD 0.00 4.60 161 0.67 24 2.85 8.13
BAKERSFIELD 0.00 3.55 164 0.74 34 2.17 6.36
BISHOP 0.00 4.50 280 0.21 13 1.61 4.84
SALINAS T 6.11 135 0.96 21 4.53 12.58
PASO ROBLES 0.00 7.12 178 0.99 25 4.01 12.15
SANTA MARIA 0.01 6.10 141 1.77 41 4.33 13.32
SANTA MARIA 0.00 6.09 144 1.77 42 4.24 13.32
Next report: January 9