September 22, 2021
When it rains, it pours (or so I’ve heard.) John became ill early last week. Long story short, he had a raging case of double pneumonia. A week’s worth of excellent care by the nursing staff of our local hospital and he was able to come home yesterday afternoon. He’s weak as can be, but is on the right track.
On the good news side, we are forever indebted to you for all your prayers and positive wishes. John’s oncologist visited and told us the tumor had definitely shrunk. She also said she would withhold chemo for a few weeks to give John’s body a chance to recover. When chemo does resume, she’s going to try a different tack.
John plans to resume work early next week so don’t be too shocked at seeing it.
With the upcoming frost season, he does intend to work it with a few changes. Unlike year’s past, he will not do an afternoon update unless conditions warrant. If there is any way to do the afternoon reports on a regular basis he will certainly do it. Doctor’s have told him to cut back and this is the only possible solution. He will always be available by phone.
Thank you for being patient with us. It is so greatly appreciated.
John and Trudy