I want to give you an explanation of where I’m at. I had my third dose of chemo at the end of July. Suffice it to say it flattened me. Still haven’t gotten a true reading on where I’m at. Hopefully I’ll find out later this month. All I know is that every time they poison me with chemo I am so sick I can’t think straight, etc. Obviously this puts me in a precarious position with my business. Incredibly, I haven’t lost a single account which I find amazing and for which I’m truly grateful. My main concern now is the frost season. Hopefully by then I will be able to work my usual 7 day workweek beginning November 1. However, I’m a realist and that’s not guaranteed. I know many of you citrus growers count on this data so for now, all I can do is pray for progress on my health. I would by no means blame any of my treasured accounts for seeking other weather providers. After all business is business. For now all I can do is keep you informed from time to time.
A report will be sent out later today. Between some sticky keys and health problems, it’s slow going today!