November 24, 2021
We have so very much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving season. Your support with the never ending round of health crises John faced is one, and it is one very important one. We’ve felt your prayers and good wishes. There have been days we know that was the only thing keeping us going. Being uplifted in such a way is something we’ve never experienced, but then again, is something we’ve thankfully never needed before.
We’re feeling almost as though we’re tempting fate in saying this, but things are looking good right now. We’ve recently sought input from a different oncologist and he believes there is no malignant cancer, that instead the scan showed a false positive. This backs up what John’s previous oncologist said over the summer during John’s first bout of pneumonia. A new PET scan will be conducted late this month as this doctor wants to start from scratch. Chemotherapy made John so sick that he lost 50 pounds. Between chemo and pneumonia, his stamina is greatly reduced. Fortunately, chemo temporarily stopped with the first bout of pneumonia. We’re hoping and praying it doesn’t have to start up again.It’s been one heck of a year, beginning with the brain bleed that had to be drained. But hopefully there is no cancer! We’ll update you as we go along.
Thank you once more. You just can’t know how appreciative we are.
Happy Thanksgiving from our household to yours!
John and Trudy